Meteor Fall Near Mission, Texas

My Mom called me earlier this evening to ask if I had heard a boom. She said that people were saying there might have been an earthquake as some windows rattled. I didn't hear anything. My son vaguely remembers a boom. But, he thought it mig...

a year ago, comments: 6, votes: 22, reward: $1.43

My Mom called me earlier this evening to ask if I had heard a boom. She said that people were saying there might have been an earthquake as some windows rattled. I didn't hear anything. My son vaguely remembers a boom. But, he thought it might be the neighbors making their usual ruckus.

Of course, it wasn't long until people were posting on Facebook. The best that can be pieced together is that a meteor passed near us, creating a sonic boom. No meteorite has been found yet. Of course, everybody is having fun with the incident, meshing it together with the recent UFO shootdowns. Even the local bar is recommending celebrate surviving the invasion with a beer.

Local officials have put out press releases to indicate that they are investigating. But how do you investigate a meteor fall? I guess you follow the trail of zombies or look out for a huge blob.