My Actifit Report Card: June 13 2022

I woke up late this morning, around 9 am. My eBay account notified me that I got paid for an item that sold. That means a trip to the post office to ship the book. ...

2 years ago, comments: 8, votes: 26, reward: $0.16

I woke up late this morning, around 9 am. My eBay account notified me that I got paid for an item that sold. That means a trip to the post office to ship the book.

I had also planned to visit the hardware store to buy countersink bolts to attach a base plate to my scooter. The ones that shipped with the plate bottomed out before going in all the way. The countersink heads stick out. We lost power as I was getting ready. The local hardware store did not have any of the size I needed. I would have to drive to the next city. On a scooter with 96F temperature and high humidity, that’s an uncomfortable ride. Fortunately, the hardware store had some in stock.

I messaged Mrs Mata. She replied that the power was still out. I offered to buy lunch as our stove is electric. While getting lunch, I downloaded a hotel app to reserve a room. We might as well cool off at a swimming pool.

At home, I took a nap. Hotel check-in is not until 3 pm. When I woke up, we got on the car to drive to the hotel. Our first priority was to go to the swimming pool. We had it all to ourselves until we got pruny toes.

After a shower, we went to Pei Wei to have supper. It was a short walk away from the hotel.

After supper, we drove home to check up on things. Power had been restored. We got some items to take with us to the hotel.

Now, we’re at the hotel bar having drinks. We are about ready to fall asleep. It has been a long day.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on
