My Actifit Report Card: June 8 2022

For being the first day of a 7 day vacation from work, I started off early with the Walk and Talk Challenge with @epodcaster on Twitter Spaces. That was a little over 30 minutes of walking. ...

2 years ago, comments: 6, votes: 67, reward: $1.31

For being the first day of a 7 day vacation from work, I started off early with the Walk and Talk Challenge with @epodcaster on Twitter Spaces. That was a little over 30 minutes of walking.

Later in the day, Mrs Mata and I went out to try an experiment with a credit card. Afterwards, we stopped for groceries on the way home.

After supper, we settled in to watch the latest installment of Fantastic Beasts. It has been a full day.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on
