My Actifit Report Card: May 15 2022

It has been months since we went to the park for 30 minute walks. Tonight, I wasn’t feeling right. Something is off. I know that I have ...

2 years ago, comments: 4, votes: 27, reward: $0.19

It has been months since we went to the park for 30 minute walks. Tonight, I wasn’t feeling right. Something is off. I know that I have been neglectful of my health. Some of it is diet. But, mostly, my job has me sitting most of the day.

I had some hope that riding a scooter would make me more likely to spend time outdoors, given that riding is an outdoor activity. But, that’s not the case. While I do get out of the house more to ride, it’s not exercising.

My body is now giving me not so subtle hints that I need to do something.

Something that may be unrelated, or not, is my trouble with focusing. I don’t want to blame it on COVID. I came out fine when I got infected. I seem to have more trouble remembering names and words. I also have trouble reading books.

Some of this may be social media induced short attention span. But, in case it is not, I’m going to start taking better care of myself, which will include going for 30 minute walks.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on
