My Actifit Report Card: June 29 2021

The bulk of my step count, yesterday, came from my newly instituted daily hike. There is a nature trail near my home with miles of trails. Mrs Mata and I have started going there for 30 minute walks. With the south Texas heat, you can be cer...

3 years ago, comments: 1, votes: 17, reward: $0.11

The bulk of my step count, yesterday, came from my newly instituted daily hike. There is a nature trail near my home with miles of trails. Mrs Mata and I have started going there for 30 minute walks. With the south Texas heat, you can be certain it’s a miserable experience, even at 7 pm.

During the walk, I spoke with Mrs Mata about my visit to the cardiologist. He is not too concerned about the random tachycardia. I think there are no other symptoms that give him a clue what it could be. To be safe, I have some more tests scheduled. Otherwise, he’s more concerned about me becoming diabetic.

Towards that end, he is recommending a high fat, low carb diet. He is more inclined to the Keto diet than the Atkins diet. As it turns out, protein also kicks off an insulin response because your liver turns protein into glucose. The response is not as pronounced as when you eat carbs.

Fats, in the other hand, have the lowest insulin response. On top of that, the doctor mentioned that many other health problems can be avoided with a high fat, low carb diet.

The doctor did also suggest intermittent fasting as a way to help with weight loss and to improve overall health. He pointed me to a YouTube channel by Dr Jason Fung. As I mentioned, the doctor was more alarmed about me bordering on diabetic than he was about the tachycardia. I think that addressing the diabetes would help resolve the other matter.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,Hiking,Walking