My Actifit Report Card: June 30 2020

Today consisted mostly of daily activity, which is administrative work. So, I spent a lot of time seated, including at the clinic where I...

4 years ago, comments: 1, votes: 16, reward: $0.21

Today consisted mostly of daily activity, which is administrative work. So, I spent a lot of time seated, including at the clinic where I stopped to finish a physical.

I was alarmed at my weight, which topped 200 pounds for the first time. Blood pressure is healthy, A1C is borderline pre-diabetic. I just need to watch out for sugars and carbs, everything should be OK.

I took the opportunity to request a referral to an orthopedic doctor. My leg was injured in my youth. It has always been troublesome since then. Lately, however, my ankle, knee, and hip joints have been more troublesome. I worry that it may keep me from walking if I don’t try to fix it. I don’t imagine that will help me stay healthy in the long term. On the other hand, if I end up having to walk with a cane, I know I’d make that look cool.

The HVAC contractor informed me that one of my rooftop units has two bad compressors. That’s expensive. Hopefully they are covered by warranty. The other RTU was low on coolant. He could not identify the source of the leak.

Finally, one other staff member has tested positive for COVID. We have changed to remote work, which isn’t much different as most employees were already quarantined pending test results. This leaves me to tend to a vacant building.

At the end up the day, I had to walk around the house to make up steps to get me over the 5K mark.
This report was published via Actifit app (Andoid | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,Walking
170 cm
90 kg
Body Fat
96 cm