My Actifit Report Card: June 23 2020

My day started with the usual administrative work and driving. Given yesterday’s success with walking laps around my building, I started ...

4 years ago, comments: 2, votes: 15, reward: $0.09

My day started with the usual administrative work and driving. Given yesterday’s success with walking laps around my building, I started doing it again. However, my walking was cut short by some COVID-19 information. We requested to have our building disinfected. As a result of walking around from office to office, I managed to exceed yesterday’s walking total. At home, I mostly watched Stargate episodes after supper.

I have found products for disinfecting that I must start ordering today. It has become clear that the world has changed and new practices in building management are in order.
This report was published via Actifit app (Andoid | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Walking,Daily Activity