2022 Hurricane Season Is Approaching

Just a quick reminder that the 2022 hurricane season is coming up. We kick things off in June. So far, at least...

2 years ago, comments: 6, votes: 11, reward: $0.13

hurricane gif from tenor.com

Just a quick reminder that the 2022 hurricane season is coming up. We kick things off in June. So far, at least in South Texas, things have been pretty dry. We also haven't had too many hot days above 100 degrees F.

My opinion, as a not meteorologist, is that hot summers put a ton of heat into the Gulf of Mexico, which is the fuel to power hurricanes. You notice that as the storms make their way from the coast of Africa, they power up as they enter the Caribbean and the Gulf.

If we have rainy weather, that tends to rob energy as the cloud cover prevents the Gulf waters from heating up. Also, some of that energy is spent in raining.

I don't know how this plays out. It's not hot so far. But, there hasn't been much rain either.

In any case, I'm far enough inland that I don't worry about hurricane winds as much as flooding and power outages. So, it pays to be prepared. I don't think, at least in South Texas, that it's about survival than it is about the inconvenience of being left without power. Also, you don't want to have to spend more to buy supplies when everybody else is doing it.

Batteries, radios, lights, a generator (I suggest one that runs on propane), and some way to filter water. A lot of this stuff may be over preparing. But, you don't want to be unprepared.